

如何租用 Splitdyboat 船(快艇/街渡)前往橋咀(橋咀島)?

1. After the order is successfully placed, please complete the remittance and send the evidence of payment to our WhatsApp ~ 92295167 within 2 hours, otherwise the order will automatically be cancelled.

2. 夾船平台於WhatsApp確認收款及預約成功,一經確認後將不能取消。

3. 夾船成功後,大家會於WhatsApp收到船家電話及船牌號碼,以及集合地點及時間,出發及離開時間等相關行程資訊。


確認成團人數: 1 pax







*追蹤我們的 Instagram @splitdyboat 查看最新優惠*

****The actual departure time may be slightly adjusted due to the tight schedule of the boatmen, generally between +/ − 1 hour****










Sharp Island Map|Plan your Own Route in Kiu Tsui Country Park

Kiu Tsui Pier|Kiu Tsui Departure Place|Kiu Tsui Country Park

Spot (1) on the Sharp Island Map is where the boat will departure, you will start your trip here, and there is a public toilet right next to it, so you may get ready for your journey with your friends here.




Sharp Island Tombolo|Hong Kong Angel Road|Pineapple Bun Rock

Spot (2) on the Sharp Island Map above is a “tombolo”, which is formed when a beach or sand spit joins up with an offshore island. The “tombolo” here connecting “Kiu Tsui” and “Kiu Tau” is one of the most iconic attractions in Sai Kung.

Here you can also find some volcanic rock, named “Pineapple Bun”, as the shape of it is checked pattern resembling the husk of a pineapple.

Kiu Tau|Kiu Tau Teng|Hong Kong Heart Island

Spot (3) on the map is an offshore island, called Kiu Tau. If you view this island from above using drone, you will see a heart-shaped island!


Hap Mun Bay|Half Moon Bay

Spot(4) on the map is a beach called Hap Mun Bay or Half Moon Bay. It is said that the name Half Moon Bay is derived from a misunderstanding because the English name of Hap Mun Bay is pronounced similar to “half moon”, and it also resembles a beautiful half-moon shape. Hap Mun Bay has recently become the most popular beach in Hong Kong , because of its clear water, fine sand and convenient transportation. The eternal blue sky and clear water have also won Half Moon Bay the reputation of “the most beautiful public beach in Hong Kong”. There is another pier right next to Half Moon Bay, if you want to buy a boat ticket to Hap Mun Bay, please check out the link below!



Heart Shaped Pool|Abandoned Embankment

You will find a swimming pool in Spot(5) on the map. It is in fact an embankment that were artificially built by early fishermen. In summer, there are lots of people visiting here to snorkel. Highly Recommend you to carry a drone , so you can get a decent angle for this heart-shaped pool!




How to get to Kiu Tsui (Sharp Island)|Kiu Tsui (Sharp Island) Transportation

Speedboat:From Sai Kung Pier to Kiu Tsui (Sharp Island)

(1) Make a booking to Long Mong Wan (Sharp Island) on Splitdyboat’s website in advance

Splitdyboat 除左提供快艇夾船拼船服務之外,亦提供出租快艇服務前往橋咀(橋咀島)


(2) 乘塔巴士/小巴前往西貢碼頭

小巴 1A 由彩虹地鐵站開往西貢碼頭 (班次密強烈推介)

小巴 101M 由坑口地鐵站開往西貢碼頭 (班次密強烈推介)

96R 巴士由鑽石山總站開往黃石碼頭 (只限星期六、日、公眾假期) (特快班次)



(3) 於實際開船時間前抵達西貢碼頭 




Round Trip:$75/Pax

Successful Grouping:8 Pax



Ferry:From Sai Kung Pier to Kiu Tsui (Sharp Island)


The Boat Schedule between Sai Kung and Yim Tin Tsai …




(2)如你錯過了最後一班橋咀開出的船(尾班船),你可以 WhatsApp 92295167 聯絡我們租快艇返回西貢碼頭








Adult – $30/位



Sharp Island Boatman Contact Number|Sharp Island Speedboat Phone Number

WhatsApp 852 92295167


Sai Kung Boatman Contact Number|Sai Kung Speedboat Phone Number




Sharp Island Detailed Information Video|Kiu Tsui YouTube Video

KATE 林樂儀 /KATE Lam Lok Yee



橋咀島獨木舟 - 橋咀(橋咀島)獨木舟


Starting Point:西貢碼頭

Destination:Kiu Tsui (Sharp Island)

Distance:2.5 kilometres (1.6 Nautical Mile)

Kayak Duration:30 minutes / Single Trip


橋咀島獨木舟路線圖 - 橋咀(橋咀島)獨木舟路線




如對西貢市中心租借獨木舟有興趣,請瀏覽 西貢市獨木舟租借

WhatsApp: 92295167:於 WhatsApp 85292295167 聯絡我們進行預約

Instagram @splitdyboat追蹤我們的Instagram查看最新夾船情況及優惠




週末及假日 (星期六、星期日、公眾假期)

Single Sit-On-Top Kayak:$150 / 日租

Double Sit-On-top Kayak:$300 / 日租


週日 (星期一,二,三,四,五)

Single Sit-On-Top Kayak:$100 / 日租

Double Sit-On-top Kayak:$200 / 日租



Pick-Up Location: 西貢市中心

Service Hour:10:00 – 17:00

Price Including:獨木舟,槳,救生衣











